Africa's most exclusive safari destination

As close to safari perfection as you can get. Home to the world’s greatest inland delta, Botswana protects one of the last great wildlife wildernesses on earth. The Okavango Delta offers a mix of private reserves and top-class lodges. Boasting some of the highest concentrations of game in Africa, low visitor numbers, and luxury, eco-sensitive camps, a Botswana safari offers a truly authentic, exclusive experience.

Unrivalled exclusivity

Renowned safari lodges

Sustainable tourism

Phenomenal game viewing

Desert and delta habitats

Indigenous cultures

Botswana itinerary inspiration

Take inspiration from our suggested itineraries which are completely flexible to best suit your desires, be it duration, accommodation, or landscape.

Extend your African adventure

When to visit Botswana





During the wettest season, short downpours paint the Okavango Delta a lush emerald paradise, teeming with birdlife.

Although this is the peak rain season, Okavango flood water is at its lowest, meaning animals congregate around limited water sources.




As rainfall eases, the dry season begins, transforming the savanna from emerald to warm golden hues.

Pleasant temperatures and clear skies make it a perfect time for game drives, with animals becoming more active.

Flood water slowly starts trickling into the Okavango.




Officially 'winter', expect pleasant days and cold nights, with no chance of rain.

The Okavango flood peaks, revealing fascinating waterways and islands, perfect for unique boat safaris.

Animal activity is at its peak, giving the Okavango its reputation as one of the world's premier wildlife viewing destinations.



Bridging the gap between the dry and wet seasons, sporadic showers might appear. This creates a dynamic atmosphere, where landscapes can transform overnight.

Temperatures begin to rise, and peak in October.

Wildlife viewing remains great as animals frequent waterholes to quench their thirst.



Periodic rolling thunderstorms bring in the return of the lush emerald landscapes.

A peak in birdlife due to migratory birds arriving for the wet season coincides with plains game birthing season.

Okavango flood waters return to their lowest.

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